
To tell you the truth, I am a nerd! I am not afraid to admit it! I have never been part of the “in crowd” and have no real desire to. I pretty much do my own thing and admire those who know who they are and don’t care what others think. I also love my family and spend a lot of my time with them! Everyone always knows that I am the one with the camera and it has always been that way.Kristal

I grew up in Fort Benton, a small town in North-Central Montana. As for me, I am a wee bit obsessed with photography… and that is why I love it so much!

I have had an interest in photography since I was little and I was one of those kids in school that loved working on the yearbook. I graduated college with an Art Degree and, soon after, pursued my dream of photography.  That was 11 years ago…hard to believe.  I specialized in weddings and engagements for 10 years.  Now that I have children of my own, I am focusing on working with seniors, families, and children.

For more about me click here.

Two years ago, I returned back to school full-time to become an accountant.  I know, I know….sounds weird that a photographer would like numbers as well, but like I said, I don’t fit well in a box.  You never stop learning and growing!  I have decreased the time spent on photo shoots as well and mainly only work with close friends and family or return clients.  Even with that, it is very limited.